Minggu, 16 Februari 2014


1 • Do not look back , especially by comparison with the past . Life is a reality today and not in the past .
2 • Think objectively and positivelyNever prejudice , and prejudice . encounter problems with wise and full of wisdom .
3 • See Extra- pair , do the oppositeTo foster a sense of optimism, take a look at the advantages of our partner . Do not be otherwise , for tourists it leverage disadvantages that .
4 • Mutual trustWithout mutual trust between husband and wife , marriage certainly will not go smoothly . Building mutual trust is also a manifestation of adult love .
5 • Fulfilling Sexual NeedsPrinciples of good sex is the openness and honesty in expressing your individual needs . In essence , sexual activity is to satisfy each other , but to avoid the appearance of exploiting couples . Pleasurable sexual activities will have a positive impact for both of you .
6 • Avoid third partyMarriage is an autonomous life of its own , which should not be interfered with by the other party , let alone a third party . The presence of a third party to intervene or influence and into the family authority , can create a disaster for the household .
7 • Keeping the romanceSometimes , couples who have been long enough to build mahligai households no longer care about this one . There are no words of praise , eat dinner together , even the attention of any such expensive items . In fact , keeping the romance needed by couples to at any time , not just when they were dating .
8 • Holds always communicationCommunication is also one of the pillars of husband and wife relationship . The loss of communication mean losing one of the pillars of the household.
9 • Mutual praise and attentionYour partner needs to be appreciated . Praised not need expensive fees or costs . All it takes is sincerity and love for the couple .
10 • Include sacred in the householdOne of the most important foothold menage a willing obedience is due to the law of God . Therefore, keep its sacred .

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