Sabtu, 15 Februari 2014

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It is recommended if you cook kale , Please split trunk
Kale, kale Petis , Sauteed Kale , etc. that brkaitan with kale, it may possible crita interchangeable mnjadi skalian ktika prtimbangan for YOU YOU want to eat kale .
a few days ago , at the clinic who trkenal in Yogya , smua Doctor kbingungan Because there seorg youth from SOLO named RIF'AT Sungkar who mnderita abdominal pain . The youth clinic dbawaby his Parents timeout 2 days mnderita DIARRHEA . Sdh brmacam stomach medicine that feed all the young kpd , but ill go DIARRHEAcured .
Parents kmudian trsbt youth in question by the doctor , " what's in the food eaten by the TSB slama 2 youth today ? " Parent the childkbingungan , because his sjak DIARRHEA , youth they will not want to eat , she only drank white milk , it was vomit .
Dperiksa timeout , trnyata seblm mnderita DIARRHEA , evening TSBSauteed Kale young man eating diRstoran brsama ortunya . SGR physician mlakukan X - RAY , trnyata within intestinal RIF'AT powered brkembang with his son who breed leeches kecil2 .Doctors mnyerah and incapable mnyatakan taking any medical action . Finally, the poor boy was DIEDWORLD .
Stelah rechecked , it seblmnya trnyata Leeches are didlm Stem Kale who are all big . Indeed , to pggemar sauteed kalewhich is the most comfortable trunk .
Leeches who Brada in dlam stem kale was not gonna die even if cooked slama 20 minutes , Especially for sauteed kale processmmasak morbidly so long trlalu mghasilkan kale savory flavor . Leeches only be OFF if ON FUEL .
Didlm intestinal young man , leeches only takes 1-2 days to brkembang multiply . If there kluarga / teman2 that they will experience , take action with drinking water Soak mberi Tobacco ( cantaken from clove cigarettes ) normally leech " Outgoing and under the circumstances will be dead .
Tell a friend kpd , friends , and family, or whoever you know Send to all contacts you , , this name is a broadcast that bru useful ....This is a true story in Yogyakarta ! ! And do not underestimate suggested in when you cook kale , Please split trunk

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